
a plural of syllabus.
noun, plural syllabuses, syllabi
[sil-uh-bahy] /ˈsɪl əˌbaɪ/ (Show IPA)
an outline or other brief statement of the main points of a discourse, the subjects of a course of lectures, the contents of a curriculum, etc.

a short summary of the legal basis of a court’s decision appearing at the beginning of a reported case.
a book containing summaries of the leading cases in a legal field, used especially by students.

(often initial capital letter). Also called Syllabus of Errors. Roman Catholic Church. the list of 80 propositions condemned as erroneous by Pope Pius IX in 1864.
a plural of syllabus
noun (pl) -buses, -bi (-ˌbaɪ)
an outline of a course of studies, text, etc

the subjects studied for a particular course
a document which lists these subjects and states how the course will be assessed

noun (RC Church)
Also called Syllabus of Errors. a list of 80 doctrinal theses condemned as erroneous by Pius IX in 1864
a list of 65 Modernist propositions condemned as erroneous by Pius X in 1907

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