Take a back seat

a seat at the rear.
take a backseat, to occupy a secondary or inferior position:
Her writing has taken a backseat because of other demands on her time.
take a back seat
Occupy an inferior position; allow another to be in control. For example, Linda was content to take a back seat and let Nancy run the meeting. This idiom uses back seat in contrast to the driver’s seat, that is, the one in control. [ Mid-1800s ]

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  • Take a beating

    take a back seat

  • Take a break

    take a bath take a break Interrupt one’s activity briefly, as in We’ve been working for two hours; let’s take a break . Also see take five

  • Take a bye

    take a beating

  • Take a chance

    Risk something, gamble, as in I’ll take a chance that he’ll be on the next plane. [ c. 1900 ]

  • Take a crack at

    see: have a crack at

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