Take hold

Grasp, as in Take hold of this end of the rope. [ Late 1500s ]
Become established, as in The new vines quickly took hold, or This idea will never take hold with the voters. [ c. 1300 ]

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  • Take-home pay

    [teyk-hohm] /ˈteɪkˌhoʊm/ noun 1. the amount of salary remaining after deductions, as of taxes, have been made.

  • Take ill

    see: get sick

  • Take-in

    noun, Informal. 1. a deception, fraud, or imposition.

  • Take in good part

    see: in good part

  • Take issue with

    Disagree with, as in I take issue with those figures; they don’t include last month’s sales. This idiom comes from legal terminology, where it was originally put as to join issue, meaning “take the opposite side of a case.” [ Late 1600s ]

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