Take the heat off

take the fifth

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  • Take the initiative

    Begin a task or plan of action, as in The boss was on vacation when they ran out of materials, so Julie took the initiative and ordered more. This term uses initiative in the sense of “the power to originate something,” a usage dating from the late 1700s.

  • Take the liberty of

    Act on one’s own authority without permission from another, as in I took the liberty of forwarding the mail to his summer address . It is also put as take the liberty to , as in He took the liberty to address the Governor by her first name . This rather formal locution was first […]

  • Take the load off

    Sit down, relax, as in I wish you’d take some time and take the load off. A shortening of take the load off one’s feet, this colloquial phrase dates from about 1940. It is sometimes put as take a load off.

  • Take the money and run

    take the heat

  • Take the pipe

    take the heat off

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