
a seesaw; teeter.
a similar board used by acrobats and tumblers that propels a person into the air when another person jumps onto the opposite end.

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  • Teetering

    verb (used without object) 1. to move unsteadily. 2. to ride a seesaw; teetertotter. verb (used with object) 3. to tip (something) up and down; move unsteadily. noun 4. a seesaw motion; wobble. 5. a seesaw; teetertotter. verb 1. to move or cause to move unsteadily; wobble noun, verb 2. another word for seesaw

  • Teetertotter

    or teeter-totter [tee-ter-tot-er] /ˈti tərˌtɒt ər/ Chiefly Northern, North Midland, and Western U.S. noun 1. a seesaw. verb (used without object) 2. to ride a seesaw.

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    or teeter-totter [tee-ter-tot-er] /ˈti tərˌtɒt ər/ Chiefly Northern, North Midland, and Western U.S. noun 1. a seesaw. verb (used without object) 2. to ride a seesaw.

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