noun, (sometimes initial capital letter)
a navigational aid that uses radar to map the sky above an airfield, which, together with a map of the airfield itself, is transmitted by television to aircraft approaching the field.
trademark an electronic navigational aid in which the image of a ground-based radar system is televised to aircraft in flight so that a pilot can see the position of his aircraft in relation to others
Read Also:
- Telerat
abuse, hardware /tel’*-rat/ Unflattering hackerism for “Teleray”, a line of extremely losing terminals. [Jargon File] (1995-01-19)
- Telerecording
/ˌtɛlɪrɪˈkɔːdɪŋ/ noun 1. the recording of television signals on tape or, more usually, on film
- Telergy
telergy tel·er·gy (těl’ər-jē) n. See automatism.
- Teleroentgenography
teleroentgenography tel·e·roent·gen·og·ra·phy (těl’ə-rěnt’gə-nŏg’rə-fē, -jə-, -rŭnt’-) n. See teleradiography.
- Telesales
noun 1. (functioning as sing) the selling or attempted selling of a particular commodity or service by a salesman who makes his initial approach by telephone Also called telemarketing, telephone selling