tenontodynia te·non·to·dyn·i·a (tə-nŏn’tə-dĭn’ē-ə, těn’ən-tō-)
See tenalgia.
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tenontomyoplasty te·non·to·my·o·plas·ty (tə-nŏn’tō-mī’ə-plās’tē) n. A surgical procudure used in the radical correction of hernia that combines tenontoplasty and myoplasty. Also called tenomyoplasty.
- Tenontoplasty
tenontoplasty te·non·to·plas·ty (tə-nŏn’tə-plās’tē) n. Reparative or plastic surgery of the tendons. Also called tendinoplasty, tendoplasty, tenoplasty.
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tenophyte ten·o·phyte (těn’ə-fīt’) n. A bony or a cartilaginous growth in or on a tendon.
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tenoplasty ten·o·plas·ty (těn’ə-plās’tē) n. See tenontoplasty.
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noun 1. the course of thought or meaning that runs through something written or spoken; purport; drift. 2. continuous course, progress, or movement. 3. Rhetoric. the subject of a metaphor, as “she” in “She is a rose.”. Compare vehicle (def 8). 4. Music. the adult male voice intermediate between the bass and the alto or […]