noun, plural tenorrhaphies. Surgery.
suture of a tendon.
noun (pl) -phies
(surgery) the union of torn or divided tendons by means of sutures
tenorrhaphy te·nor·rha·phy (tě-nôr’ə-fē)
The surgical suture of the divided ends of a tendon. Also called tendinosuture, tenosuture.
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- Tenositis
tenositis ten·o·si·tis (těn’ə-sī’tĭs) n. Tendinitis.
- Tenostosis
tenostosis ten·os·to·sis (těn’ŏ-stō’sĭs) n. The ossification of a tendon.
- Tenosuspension
tenosuspension ten·o·sus·pen·sion (těn’ō-sə-spěn’shən) n. The use of a tendon as a suspensory ligament.
- Tenosuture
tenosuture ten·o·su·ture (těn’ō-sōō’chər) n. See tenorrhaphy.
- Tenosynovectomy
tenosynovectomy ten·o·syn·o·vec·to·my (těn’ō-sĭn’ō-věk’tə-mē) n. Excision of a tendon sheath.