Anatomy. a muscle that stretches or tightens some part of the body.
Mathematics. a mathematical entity with components that change in a particular way in a transformation from one coordinate system to another.
(anatomy) any muscle that can cause a part to become firm or tense
(maths) a set of components, functions of the coordinates of any point in space, that transform linearly between coordinate systems. For three-dimensional space there are 3r components, where r is the rank. A tensor of zero rank is a scalar, of rank one, a vector
tensor ten·sor (těn’sər, -sôr’)
A muscle that stretches or tightens a body part.
(těn’sər, -sôr’)
A structure of quantities arranged by zero or more indices, such as a scalar (zero indices), a vector (one index), or a matrix (two indices), which is invariant under transformations of coordinates.
Any of various muscles that stretch or tighten a body part, as the muscle that acts to tense the soft palate, called the tensor palati.
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- Tensor muscle of soft palate
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