Zoology. any of various slender, flexible processes or appendages in animals, especially invertebrates, that serve as organs of touch, prehension, etc.; feeler.
Botany. a sensitive filament or process, as one of the glandular hairs of the sundew.
any of various elongated flexible organs that occur near the mouth in many invertebrates and are used for feeding, grasping, etc
any of the hairs on the leaf of an insectivorous plant that are used to capture prey
something resembling a tentacle, esp in its ability to reach out or grasp
tentacle ten·ta·cle (těn’tə-kəl)
An elongated, flexible, unsegmented extension, as one of those surrounding the mouth or oral cavity of the squid, used for feeling, grasping, or locomotion.
A narrow, flexible, unjointed part extending from the body of certain animals, such as an octopus, jellyfish, or sea anemone. Tentacles are used for feeling, grasping, or moving.
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- Tentage
noun 1. tents collectively; equipment or supply of tents. noun 1. tents collectively 2. a supply of tents or tenting equipment
- Tentation
noun 1. a method of making mechanical adjustments or the like by a succession of trials. noun 1. a method of achieving the correct adjustment of a mechanical device by a series of trials
- Tentations
noun 1. a method of making mechanical adjustments or the like by a succession of trials. noun 1. a method of achieving the correct adjustment of a mechanical device by a series of trials
- Tentative
adjective 1. of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt; experimental: a tentative report on her findings. 2. unsure; uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant: a tentative smile on his face. adjective 1. provisional or experimental; conjectural 2. hesitant, uncertain, or cautious
- Tentatively
adjective 1. of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt; experimental: a tentative report on her findings. 2. unsure; uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant: a tentative smile on his face. adjective 1. provisional or experimental; conjectural 2. hesitant, uncertain, or cautious