There you are
there’s no free lunch
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noun 1. former name of Teresina. noun 1. the former name of Teresina
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noun 1. molasses; treacle. 2. a paste formerly used as an antidote to poison, especially snake venom, made from 60 or 70 different drugs pulverized and mixed with honey. noun (archaic) 1. an ointment or potion of varying composition, used as an antidote to a poison
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adjective 1. (in some classification systems) belonging or pertaining to the group Theria, comprising the marsupial and placental mammals and their extinct ancestors. noun 2. a therian animal. adjective pertaining to placental or marsupial mammals Word Origin Theria (from Greek themacrion ‘beast’, one the subclasses of Mammalia
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[theer-ee-an-throp-ik] /ˌθɪər i ænˈθrɒp ɪk/ adjective 1. being partly bestial and partly human in form. 2. of or relating to deities conceived or represented in such form. therianthropic /ˌθɪərɪənˈθrɒpɪk/ adjective 1. (of certain mythical creatures or deities) having a partly animal, partly human form 2. of or relating to such creatures or deities
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noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. the study and practice of veterinary medicine.