
before or until that time.
(formal) before that time; previous to that

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  • Thereunder

    adverb 1. under or beneath that. 2. under the authority of or in accordance with that. adverb (formal) 1. (in documents, etc) below that or it; subsequently in that; thereafter 2. under the terms or authority of that

  • Thereunto

    adverb 1. to that place, thing, etc. 2. to that matter, circumstance, etc. adverb 1. (formal) to that or it: the form attached thereto 2. (obsolete) in addition to that

  • Thereupon

    adverb 1. immediately following that. 2. in consequence of that. 3. upon that or it. 4. with reference to that. adverb 1. immediately after that; at that point: thereupon, the whole class applauded 2. (formal) upon that thing, point, subject, etc

  • Therewith

    adverb 1. with that. 2. in addition to that. 3. following upon that; thereupon. adverb 1. (formal) with or in addition to that 2. a less common word for thereupon (sense 1) 3. (archaic) by means of or on account of that

  • Therewithal

    adverb 1. together with that; in addition to that. 2. following upon that.

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