a mixture of thermite and other oxidizing agents used as filling for incendiary munitions.
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- Therme
noun, Physics. 1. therm. noun, Physics. 1. any of several units of heat, as one equivalent to 1000 large calories or 100,000 British thermal units. noun 1. (Brit) a unit of heat equal to 100 000 British thermal units. One therm is equal to 1.055 056 × 108 joules
- Thermel
noun 1. thermocouple.
- Thermesthesia
or thermaesthesia [thurm-is-thee-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh] /ˌθɜrm ɪsˈθi ʒə, -ʒi ə, -zi ə/ noun, Pathology. 1. ability to perceive or sense cold or heat; sensitiveness to heat. thermesthesia therm·es·the·sia (thûrm’ĭs-thē’zhə) n. See thermoesthesia.
- Thermesthesiometer
thermesthesiometer therm·es·the·si·om·e·ter (thûrm’ĭs-thē’zē-ŏm’ĭ-tər) n. See thermoesthesiometer.
- Thermette
noun 1. (NZ) a device, used outdoors, for boiling water rapidly