a brand of thermite.
trademark a mixture of aluminium powder and a metal oxide, such as iron oxide, which when ignited reacts with the evolution of heat to yield aluminium oxide and molten metal: used for welding and in some types of incendiary bombs
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- Thermite
noun 1. a mixture of finely-divided metallic aluminum and ferric oxide that when ignited produces extremely high temperatures as the result of the union of the aluminum with the oxygen of the oxide: used in welding, incendiary bombs, etc.
- Thermite process
noun 1. another name for aluminothermy
- Thermo-
1. a combining form meaning “heat,” “hot,” used in the formation of compound words: thermoplastic. combining form 1. related to, caused by, or measuring heat: thermodynamics, thermophile thermo- or therm- pref. Heat: thermogenesis. thermo- or therm- A prefix that means “heat,” as in thermometer.
- Thermoacidophile
[thur-moh-uh-sid-uh-fahyl, -as-i-duh-] /ˌθɜr moʊ əˈsɪd əˌfaɪl, -ˈæs ɪ də-/ noun 1. any organism, especially a type of archaebacterium, that thrives in strongly acidic environments at high temperatures.
- Thermoacoustic
[thur-moh-uh-koo-stik] /ˌθɜr moʊ əˈku stɪk/ adjective 1. pertaining to a method of cooling using air driven with acoustic power.