[thur-moh-kur-uh nt, -kuhr-] /ˌθɜr moʊˈkɜr ənt, -ˈkʌr-/
a thermoelectric current.
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- Thermodiffusion
[thur-moh-di-fyoo-zhuh n] /ˌθɜr moʊ dɪˈfyu ʒən/ noun, Physical Chemistry. 1. thermal diffusion. thermodiffusion ther·mo·dif·fu·sion (thûr’mō-dĭ-fyōō’zhən) n. The diffusion of fluids, either gaseous or liquid, as influenced by their temperature.
- Thermoduric
adjective, Bacteriology. 1. (of certain microorganisms) able to survive high temperatures, as during pasteurization. thermoduric ther·mo·du·ric (thûr’mō-dur’ĭk, -dyur’-) adj. Capable of surviving high temperatures, especially those of pasteurization. Used of a microorganism.
- Thermodynam.
1. thermodynamics.
- Thermodynamic
or thermodynamical [thur-moh-dahy-nam-ik] /ˌθɜr moʊ daɪˈnæm ɪk/ adjective 1. of or relating to thermodynamics. 2. using or producing heat. thermodynamic /ˌθɜːməʊdaɪˈnæmɪk/ adjective 1. of or concerned with thermodynamics 2. determined by or obeying the laws of thermodynamics thermodynamic ther·mo·dy·nam·ic (thûr’mō-dī-nām’ĭk) adj. Characteristic of or resulting from the conversion of heat into other forms of energy. […]
- Thermodynamic equilibrium
noun 1. the condition of an isolated system in which the quantities that specify its properties, such as pressure, temperature, etc, all remain unchanged Sometimes shortened to equilibrium