transversion trans·ver·sion (trāns-vûr’zhən, trānz-)
Eruption of a tooth in a position normally occupied by another.
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transversion mutation n. A point mutation involving base substitution in which the orientation of purine and pyrimidine is reversed.
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noun 1. a piece of equipment attached to a radio transceiver to enable it to transmit and receive on additional frequencies
- Transvestism
[trans-ves-tiz-uh m, tranz-] /trænsˈvɛs tɪz əm, trænz-/ noun 1. the practice, especially of men, of wearing clothing usually associated with the opposite sex for psychological gratification. transvestism trans·ves·tism (trāns-věs’tĭz’əm, trānz-) or trans·ves·ti·tism (-tĭ-tĭz’əm) n. Dressing or masquerading in the clothes of the opposite sex.
- Transvestite
[trans-ves-tahyt, tranz-] /trænsˈvɛs taɪt, trænz-/ noun 1. a person, especially a male, who assumes the dress and manner usually associated with the opposite sex. transvestite /trænzˈvɛstaɪt/ noun 1. a person who seeks sexual pleasure from wearing clothes that are normally associated with the opposite sex 2. any cross-dresser See cross-dressing transvestite trans·ves·tite (trāns-věs’tīt’, trānz-) n. […]