
noun, plural trapeziums, trapezia
[truh-pee-zee-uh] /trəˈpi zi ə/ (Show IPA)

(in Euclidean geometry) any rectilinear quadrilateral plane figure not a parallelogram.
a quadrilateral plane figure of which no two sides are parallel.
British. trapezoid (def 1a).

Anatomy. a bone in the wrist that articulates with the metacarpal bone of the thumb.
noun (pl) -ziums, -zia (-zɪə)
(mainly Brit) a quadrilateral having two parallel sides of unequal length Usual US and Canadian name trapezoid
(mainly US & Canadian) a quadrilateral having neither pair of sides parallel
a small bone of the wrist near the base of the thumb

trapezium tra·pe·zi·um (trə-pē’zē-əm)
n. pl. tra·pe·zi·ums or tra·pe·zi·a (-zē-ə)

A quadrilateral having no parallel sides.

A bone in the wrist at the base of the thumb, articulating with the first and second metacarpal, scaphoid, and trapezoid bones.

Plural trapeziums or trapezia
A four-sided plane figure having no parallel sides.

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