of or belonging to the extreme political Left; extremely liberal or radical.
the ultraleft, the aggregate of ultraleft persons or groups.
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[uhl-truh-lef-tist] /ˌʌl trəˈlɛf tɪst/ adjective 1. ultraleft. noun 2. a supporter or advocate of ultraleft causes, goals, etc.
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[uhl-truh-lib-er-uh l, -lib-ruh l] /ˌʌl trəˈlɪb ər əl, -ˈlɪb rəl/ adjective 1. extremely liberal, especially in politics. noun 2. an ultraliberal person or group.
- Ultra-liberal
[uhl-truh-lib-er-uh l, -lib-ruh l] /ˌʌl trəˈlɪb ər əl, -ˈlɪb rəl/ adjective 1. extremely liberal, especially in politics. noun 2. an ultraliberal person or group.
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[uhl-truh-lib-er-uh l, -lib-ruh l] /ˌʌl trəˈlɪb ər əl, -ˈlɪb rəl/ adjective 1. extremely liberal, especially in politics. noun 2. an ultraliberal person or group.
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