[uhl-truh-met-uh-mawr-fiz-uh m] /ˌʌl trəˌmɛt əˈmɔr fɪz əm/
noun, Geology.
metamorphism during which the temperature of a rock exceeds its melting point.
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[uhl-truh-mahy-kruh-bal-uh ns] /ˌʌl trəˈmaɪ krəˌbæl əns/ noun, Chemistry. 1. a balance for weighing precisely, to a hundredth of a microgram or less, minute quantities of material.
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[uhl-truh-mahy-kroh-kem-uh-stree] /ˌʌl trəˌmaɪ kroʊˈkɛm ə stri/ noun 1. the branch of microchemistry dealing with minute quantities of material weighing one microgram or less.
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[uhl-truh-mahy-kruh-feesh] /ˌʌl trəˈmaɪ krəˌfiʃ/ noun 1. ultrafiche.
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[uhl-truh-mahy-krom-i-ter] /ˌʌl trə maɪˈkrɒm ɪ tər/ noun 1. a micrometer calibrated to a very fine scale and capable of measuring extremely small magnitudes. ultramicrometer /ˌʌltrəmaɪˈkrɒmɪtə/ noun 1. a micrometer for measuring extremely small distances
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[uhl-truh-mahy-kruh-skohp] /ˌʌl trəˈmaɪ krəˌskoʊp/ noun 1. an instrument that uses scattering phenomena to detect the position of objects too small to be seen by an ordinary microscope. ultramicroscopic /ˌʌltrəˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪk/ adjective 1. too small to be seen with an optical microscope 2. of or relating to an ultramicroscope ultramicroscope /ˌʌltrəˈmaɪkrəˌskəʊp/ noun 1. a microscope used for […]