[uhl-truh-rahy-tist] /ˌʌl trəˈraɪ tɪst/
a supporter or advocate of ultraright causes, goals, or the like.
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- Ultraroyalist
noun 1. a supporter or adherent of a king or royal government, especially in times of rebellion or civil war. 2. (initial capital letter) a Cavalier adherent of Charles I of England. 3. a loyalist in the American Revolution; Tory. 4. (initial capital letter) an adherent of the house of Bourbon in France. adjective 5. […]
- Ultra-royalist
noun 1. a supporter or adherent of a king or royal government, especially in times of rebellion or civil war. 2. (initial capital letter) a Cavalier adherent of Charles I of England. 3. a loyalist in the American Revolution; Tory. 4. (initial capital letter) an adherent of the house of Bourbon in France. adjective 5. […]
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hardware An extension of SCSI-2 proposed by a group of manufacturers which doubles the transfer speed of Fast-SCSI to give 20MByte/s on an 8-bit connection and 40MByte/s on a 16-bit connection. (1995-04-19)
- Ultrasensitive
adjective 1. endowed with sensation; having perception through the senses. 2. readily or excessively affected by external agencies or influences. 3. having acute mental or emotional sensibility; aware of and responsive to the feelings of others. 4. easily pained, annoyed, etc. 5. pertaining to or connected with the senses or sensation. 6. Physiology. having a […]
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adjective 1. extremely short. 2. (of a wavelength) smaller than 10 meters. adjective 1. (of a radio wave) having a wavelength shorter than 10 metres