of, relating to, or utilizing ultrasound.
of, concerned with, or producing waves with the same nature as sound waves but frequencies above audio frequencies See also ultrasound
ultrasonic ul·tra·son·ic (ŭl’trə-sŏn’ĭk)
Of or relating to acoustic frequencies above the range audible to the human ear, or above approximately 20,000 hertz.
Of, relating to, or involving ultrasound.
ul’tra·son’i·cal·ly adv.
Sound whose frequency is above the upper limit of the range of human hearing (approximately 20 kilohertz).
See ultrasonography.
An image produced by ultrasonography.
ultrasonic adjective (ŭl’trə-sŏn’ĭk)
Our Living Language : Many people use simple ultrasound generators. Dog whistles, for example, produce tones that dogs can hear but that are too high to be heard by humans. Sound whose frequency is higher than the upper end of the normal range of human hearing (higher than about 20,000 hertz) is called ultrasound. (Sound at frequencies too low to be audible—about 20 hertz or lower—is called infrasound.) Medical ultrasound images, such as those of a fetus in the womb, are made by directing ultrasonic waves into the body, where they bounce off internal organs and other objects and are reflected back to a detector. Ultrasound imaging, also known as ultrasonography, is particularly useful in conditions such as pregnancy, when x-rays can be harmful. Because ultrasonic waves have very short wavelengths, they interact with very small objects and thus provide images with high resolution. For this reason ultrasound is also used in some microscopes. Ultrasound can also be used to focus large amounts of energy into very small spaces by aiming multiple ultrasonic beams in such a way that the waves are in phase at one precise location, making it possible, for example, to break up kidney stones without surgical incision and without disturbing surrounding tissue. Ultrasound’s industrial uses include measuring thicknesses of materials, testing for structural defects, welding, and aquatic sonar.
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- Ultrasonic cleaning
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- Ultrasonics
noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. the branch of science that deals with the effects of sound waves above human perception. noun 1. (functioning as sing) the branch of physics concerned with ultrasonic waves Also called supersonics ultrasonics ul·tra·son·ics (ŭl’trə-sŏn’ĭks) n. The acoustics of ultrasonic sound. The science and technology that deals with ultrasound.
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noun 1. (engineering) the scanning of material with an ultrasonic beam, during which reflections from faults in the material can be detected: a powerful nondestructive test method
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- Ultrasonogram
ultrasonogram ul·tra·son·o·gram (ŭl’trə-sŏn’ə-grām’, -sō’nə-) n. See sonogram.