noun, Botany.
an inflorescence in which a number of flower stalks or pedicels, nearly equal in length, spread from a common center.
an inflorescence, characteristic of umbelliferous plants, in which the flowers arise from the same point in the main stem and have stalks of the same length, to give a cluster with the youngest flowers at the centre
A flat or rounded indeterminate inflorescence in which the individual flower stalks (called pedicels) arise from about the same point on the stem at the tip of the peduncle. The geranium, milkweed, and onion have umbels. Umbels usually show centripetal inflorescence, with the lower or outer flowers blooming first.
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- Umbellate
adjective 1. having or forming an umbel or umbels.
- Umbellet
noun 1. an umbellule.
- Umbellule
noun 1. one of the secondary umbels in a compound umbel. noun 1. any of the small secondary umbels that make up a compound umbel
- Umber
noun 1. an earth consisting chiefly of a hydrated oxide of iron and some oxide of manganese, used in its natural state as a brown pigment (raw umber) or, after heating, as a reddish-brown pigment (burnt umber) 2. the color of such a pigment; dark dusky brown or dark reddish brown. 3. Ichthyology. the European […]
- Umber moth
noun 1. any of various brownish geometrid moths, esp the waved umber (Menophra abruptaria) and small waved umber (Horisme vitalbata), that are cryptically marked to merge with tree bark, and the mottled umber (Erannis defoliaria) whose looper larvae can strip branches and even trees Often shortened to umber