Anatomy. a cord or funicle connecting the embryo or fetus with the placenta of the mother and transporting nourishment from the mother and wastes from the fetus.
any electrical, fuel, or other cable or connection for servicing, operating, or testing equipment, as in a rocket or missile, that is disconnected from the equipment at completion.
Aerospace Slang. a strong lifeline by which an astronaut on a spacewalk is connected to the vehicle and supplied with air, a communication system, etc.
umbilical cord
the long flexible tubelike structure connecting a fetus with the placenta: it provides a means of metabolic interchange with the mother
any flexible cord, tube, or cable used to transfer information, power, oxygen, etc, as between an astronaut walking in space and his spacecraft or a deep-sea diver and his craft
umbilical cord n.
The flexible cordlike structure connecting a fetus at the navel with the placenta and containing two umbilical arteries and one vein that transport nourishment to the fetus and remove its wastes. Also called funis.
umbilical cord
The flexible cord that attaches an embryo or fetus to the placenta. The umbilical cord contains blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and remove its wastes, including carbon dioxide.
umbilical cord [(um-bil-i-kuhl)]
A ropelike structure that connects a developing embryo or fetus to the placenta. The umbilical cord contains the blood vessels that supply the embryo or fetus with nutrients and remove waste products. Connected to the abdomen of the embryo or fetus, the umbilical cord is cut at birth, leaving a small depression — the navel, or “belly button.”
Note: The detaching of the umbilical cord provides a figure of speech for new independence: “He finally cut the umbilical cord and moved out of his parents’ home.”
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- Umbilical-hernia
noun, Pathology. 1. a hernia of the umbilicus. umbilical hernia n. A hernia in which part of the intestine protrudes through the abdominal wall under the skin at the umbilicus. Also called exomphalos.
- Umbilical ligament
umbilical ligament n. The obliterated umbilical artery that persists as a fibrous cord passing upward alongside the bladder to the umbilicus; medial umbilical ligament. The remnant of the urachus that persists as a midline fibrous cord located between the apex of the bladder and the umbilicus; middle umbilical ligament.
- Umbilical region
umbilical region n. The middle region of the abdomen centered around the navel.
- Umbilical ring
umbilical ring n. An opening in the abdominal wall through which the umbilical cord passes and meets the fetus.
- Umbilical vesicle
umbilical vesicle n. See yolk sac.