
a light, small, portable, usually circular cover for protection from rain or sun, consisting of a fabric held on a collapsible frame of thin ribs radiating from the top of a carrying stick or handle.
the saucer- or bowl-shaped, gelatinous body of a jellyfish; bell.
something that covers or protects from above, as military aircraft safeguarding surface forces:
an air umbrella.
any general kind of protection:
a price umbrella.
something, as an organization or policy, that covers or encompasses a number of groups or elements.
shaped like or intended to perform the function of an umbrella.
having the quality or function of covering or applying simultaneously to a number of similar items, elements, or groups:
an umbrella organization; umbrella coverage in an insurance policy.
a portable device used for protection against rain, snow, etc, and consisting of a light canopy supported on a collapsible metal frame mounted on a central rod
the flattened cone-shaped contractile body of a jellyfish or other medusa
a protective shield or screen, esp of aircraft or gunfire
anything that has the effect of a protective screen or cover

any system or agency that provides centralized organization or general cover for a group of related companies, organizations, etc: dance umbrella
(as modifier): an umbrella fund, umbrella group

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