Ursa Minor
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- Umiak
noun 1. an open Eskimo boat that consists of a wooden frame covered with skins and provided with several thwarts: used for transport of goods and passengers. noun 1. a large open boat made of stretched skins, used by Inuit Compare kayak
- Umist
noun acronym 1. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
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UMKC University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Uml
abbreviation 1. trademark Unified Modeling Language: a standardized language for describing and visualizing the different parts of software systems; used for designing software Unified Modeling Language Micro ML
- Umlaut
noun 1. a mark (¨) used as a diacritic over a vowel, as ä, ö, ü, to indicate a vowel sound different from that of the letter without the diacritic, especially as so used in German. Compare dieresis. 2. Also called vowel mutation. (in Germanic languages) assimilation in which a vowel is influenced by a […]