
[oom-nak] /ˈum næk/
a mountainous island in SW Alaska, in the Fox Islands of the E central Aleutian Islands.

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  • Ump

    noun, verb (used with or without object), Slang. 1. umpire. UMP abbr. uridine phosphate uie ump umpire

  • Umph

    interjection, verb (used with or without object) 1. humph.

  • Umpie

    noun (pl) umpies 1. (Austral) an informal word for umpire

  • Umping

    noun, verb (used with or without object), Slang. 1. umpire. UMP abbr. uridine phosphate uie ump umpire

  • Umpirage

    noun 1. the office or authority of an umpire. 2. the decision of an umpire; arbitrament.

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