
verb (used with object), spliced, splicing.
to join together or unite (two ropes or parts of a rope) by the interweaving of strands.
to unite (timbers, spars, or the like) by overlapping and binding their ends.
to unite (film, magnetic tape, or the like) by butting and cementing.
to join or unite.
Genetics. to join (segments of DNA or RNA) together.
Informal. to unite in marriage:
They’ll be spliced in June.
a joining of two ropes or parts of a rope by splicing.
the union or junction made by splicing.
a joining or junction of two pieces of timber, spar, etc., by overlapping and fastening the ends.
a joining of film, electromagnetic tape, or the like.
splice the main brace, Nautical.

to issue a ration of spirits, as grog, to all hands.
to drink spirits.

verb (transitive)
to join (two ropes) by intertwining the strands
to join up the trimmed ends of (two pieces of wire, film, magnetic tape, etc) with solder or an adhesive material
to join (timbers) by overlapping and binding or bolting the ends together
(passive) (informal) to enter into marriage: the couple got spliced last Saturday
(nautical history) splice the mainbrace, to issue and partake of an extra allocation of alcoholic spirits
a join made by splicing
the place where such a join occurs
the wedge-shaped end of a cricket-bat handle or similar instrument that fits into the blade
To join together genes or gene fragments or insert them into a cell or other structure, such as a virus, by means of enzymes. In genetic engineering, scientists splice together genetic material to produce new genes or to alter a genetic structure. In messenger RNA, the introns are removed, and exons are spliced together to yield the final messenger RNA that is translated. See also exon, intron.


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