a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “one.”.
abbreviation (in Britain)
United Nations Association
United Nations Association
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adjective 1. forsaken or deserted: an abandoned building; an abandoned kitten. 2. unrestrained or uncontrolled; uninhibited: She danced with abandoned enthusiasm. 3. utterly lacking in moral restraints; shameless; wicked: an abandoned and dissolute ruler. adjective 1. deserted: an abandoned windmill 2. forsaken: an abandoned child 3. unrestrained; uninhibited: wild, abandoned dancing 4. depraved; profligate
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adjective, Heraldry. 1. (of a charge) lower on an escutcheon than is usual: a bend abased.
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adjective 1. not ashamed, disconcerted, or apologetic; boldly certain of one’s position. adjective 1. not ashamed, embarrassed, or ill at ease
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verb (used with object), abated, abating. 1. to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish: to abate a tax; to abate one’s enthusiasm. 2. Law. to put an end to or suppress (a nuisance). to suspend or extinguish (an action). to annul (a writ). 3. to deduct or subtract: to abate part of the […]