verb (used with object), acquired, acquiring.
to come into possession or ownership of; get as one’s own:
to acquire property.
to gain for oneself through one’s actions or efforts:
to acquire learning.
Linguistics. to achieve native or nativelike command of (a language or a linguistic rule or element).
Military. to locate and track (a moving target) with a detector, as radar.
(transitive) to get or gain (something, such as an object, trait, or ability), esp more or less permanently
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adjective 1. furnishing ground for a lawsuit. 2. liable to a lawsuit. 3. ready to go or be put into action; ready for use: to retrieve actionable copy from a computer. adjective 1. (law) affording grounds for legal action
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verb (used with object), activated, activating. 1. to make active; cause to function or act. 2. Physics. to render more reactive; excite: to activate a molecule. to induce radioactivity. 3. to aerate (sewage) in order to accelerate decomposition of impure organic matter by microorganisms. 4. Chemistry. to make (carbon, a catalyst, molecules, etc.) more active. […]