
verb (used without object), adhered, adhering.
to stay attached; stick fast; cleave; cling (usually followed by to):
The mud adhered to his shoes.
Physics. (of two or more dissimilar substances) to be united by a molecular force acting in the area of contact.
to be devoted in support or allegiance; be attached as a follower or upholder (usually followed by to):
to adhere to a party.
to hold closely or firmly (usually followed by to):
to adhere to a plan.
Obsolete. to be consistent.
verb (used with object), adhered, adhering.
to cause to adhere; make stick:
Glue will adhere the tiles to the wallboard.
verb (intransitive)
(usually foll by to) to stick or hold fast
(foll by to) to be devoted (to a political party, cause, religion, etc); be a follower (of)
(foll by to) to follow closely or exactly: adhere to the rules

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