verb (used with object), admitted, admitting.
to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to:
to admit a student to college.
to give right or means of entrance to:
This ticket admits two people.
to permit to exercise a certain function or privilege:
admitted to the bar.
to permit; allow.
to allow or concede as valid:
to admit the force of an argument.
to acknowledge; confess:
He admitted his guilt.
to grant in argument; concede:
The fact is admitted.
to have capacity for:
This passage admits two abreast.
verb (used without object), admitted, admitting.
to permit entrance; give access:
This door admits to the garden.
to permit the possibility of something; allow (usually followed by of):
The contract admits of no other interpretation.
verb (mainly transitive) -mits, -mitting, -mitted
(may take a clause as object) to confess or acknowledge (a crime, mistake, etc)
(may take a clause as object) to concede (the truth or validity of something)
to allow to enter; let in
(foll by to) to allow participation (in) or the right to be part (of): to admit to the profession
when intr, foll by of. to allow (of); leave room (for)
(intransitive) to give access: the door admits onto the lawn
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