uncal un·cal (ŭng’kəl)
Of or relating to the uncus.
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- Uncalculable
adjective 1. determinable by calculation; ascertainable: This map was designed so that distances by road are easily calculable. 2. that can be counted on; reliable. adjective 1. that may be computed or estimated 2. predictable; dependable
- Uncalibrated
verb (used with object), calibrated, calibrating. 1. to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements). 2. to divide or mark with gradations, graduations, or other indexes of degree, quantity, etc., as on a thermometer, measuring cup, or the like. 3. to determine the correct range for (an artillery gun, mortar, […]
- Uncalled
verb (used with object) 1. to cry out in a loud voice; shout: He called her name to see if she was home. 2. to command or request to come; summon: to call a dog; to call a cab; to call a witness. 3. to ask or invite to come: Will you call the family […]
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[uhn-kawld-fawr] /ʌnˈkɔldˌfɔr/ adjective 1. not called for; not required; superfluous; unwanted. 2. unwarranted; unjustified; improper: an uncalled-for criticism. uncalled-for /ˌʌnˈkɔːldfɔː/ adjective 1. unnecessary or unwarranted
- Uncalm
adjective, calmer, calmest. 1. without rough motion; still or nearly still: a calm sea. 2. not windy or stormy: a calm day. 3. free from excitement or passion; tranquil: a calm face; a calm manner. noun 4. freedom from motion or disturbance; stillness. 5. Meteorology. wind speed of less than 1 mile per hour (0.447 […]