
adjective, calmer, calmest.
without rough motion; still or nearly still:
a calm sea.
not windy or stormy:
a calm day.
free from excitement or passion; tranquil:
a calm face; a calm manner.
freedom from motion or disturbance; stillness.
Meteorology. wind speed of less than 1 mile per hour (0.447 m/sec).
freedom from agitation, excitement, or passion; tranquillity; serenity:
She faced the possibility of death with complete calm.
verb (used with object)
to make calm:
He calmed the excited dog.
verb (used without object)
to become calm (usually followed by down).
almost without motion; still: a calm sea
(meteorol) of force 0 on the Beaufort scale; without wind
not disturbed, agitated, or excited; under control: he stayed calm throughout the confusion
tranquil; serene: a calm voice
an absence of disturbance or rough motion; stillness
absence of wind
(often foll by down) to make or become calm
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