
not definitely ascertainable or fixed, as in time of occurrence, number, dimensions, or quality.
not confident, assured, or free from hesitancy:
an uncertain smile.
not clearly or precisely determined; indefinite; unknown:
a manuscript of uncertain origin.
vague; indistinct; not perfectly apprehended:
an abstruse novel with uncertain themes.
subject to change; variable; capricious; unstable:
a person of uncertain opinions.
ambiguous; unreliable; undependable:
Her loyalties are uncertain.
dependent on chance or unpredictable factors; doubtful; of unforeseeable outcome or effect.
unsteady or flickering, as light; of changing intensity or quality.
not able to be accurately known or predicted: the issue is uncertain
when postpositive, often foll by of. not sure or confident (about): a man of uncertain opinion
not precisely determined, established, or decided: uncertain plans
not to be depended upon; unreliable: an uncertain vote
liable to variation; changeable: the weather is uncertain
in no uncertain terms


see: in no uncertain terms

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