
adjective, Biology.
hooked; bent at the end like a hook.
adjective (biology)
shaped like a hook: the uncinate process of the ribs of certain vertebrates
of, relating to, or possessing uncini

uncinate un·ci·nate (ŭn’sə-nāt’, -nĭt)

Read Also:

  • Uncinate epilepsy

    uncinate epilepsy n. A form of psychomotor epilepsy initiated by a dreamy state and by hallucinations of smell and taste, usually caused by a medial temporal lesion. Also called uncinate fit.

  • Uncinate fasciculus

    uncinate fasciculus n. A band of long association fibers connecting the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebrum.

  • Uncinate fit

    uncinate fit n. See uncinate epilepsy.

  • Uncinate gyrus

    uncinate gyrus n. See uncus.

  • Uncinate-process

    noun, Ornithology. 1. a curved, bony process on certain ribs of birds that projects backward and overlaps the succeeding rib, serving to strengthen the thorax.

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