verb (used with object), unclothed or unclad
[uhn-klad] /ʌnˈklæd/ (Show IPA), unclothing.
to strip of clothes.
to remove a covering from; lay bare; uncover.
verb (transitive) -clothes, -clothing, -clothed, -clad
to take off garments from; strip
to uncover or lay bare
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noun 1. a mass or lump. 2. a semisolid mass, as of coagulated blood. 3. a small compact group of individuals: a clot of sightseers massed at the entrance. 4. British Informal. blockhead, dolt, clod. verb (used without object), clotted, clotting. 5. to form into clots; coagulate. verb (used with object), clotted, clotting. 6. to […]
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