a mass or lump.
a semisolid mass, as of coagulated blood.
a small compact group of individuals:
a clot of sightseers massed at the entrance.
British Informal. blockhead, dolt, clod.
verb (used without object), clotted, clotting.
to form into clots; coagulate.
verb (used with object), clotted, clotting.
to cause to clot.
to cover with clots:
Carefully aimed snowballs clotted the house.
to cause to become blocked or obscured:
to clot the book’s narrative with too many characters.
a soft thick lump or mass: a clot of blood
(Brit, informal) a stupid person; fool
verb clots, clotting, clotted
to form or cause to form into a soft thick lump or lumps
clot (klŏt)
A soft, nonrigid, insoluble mass formed when blood or lymph gels. v. clot·ted, clot·ting, clots
To coagulate.
A soft insoluble mass formed when blood or lymph gels. During blood clotting, white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and various clotting factors interact in a cascade of chemical reactions initiated by a wound. When a body tissue is injured, calcium ions and platelets act on prothrombin to produce the enzyme thrombin. Thrombin then catalyzes the conversion of the protein fibrinogen into fibrin, a fibrous protein that holds the clot together. An abnormal clot inside the blood vessels or the heart (a thrombus or an embolus) can obstruct blood flow.
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