composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients:
Soap is a compound substance.
having or involving two or more actions or functions:
The mouth is a compound organ.
Grammar. of or relating to a compound sentence or compound-complex sentence.
consisting of two or more parts that are also bases, forming a compound noun, compound adjective, compound verb, or compound preposition, as housetop, many-sided, playact, or upon.
consisting of any two or more parts that have identifiable meaning, as a base and a noninflectional affix (return, follower), a base and a combining form (biochemistry), two combining forms (ethnography), or a combining form and a noninflectional affix (aviary, dentoid).
(of a verb tense) consisting of an auxiliary verb and a main verb, as are swimming, have spoken, or will write (opposed to simple).
Botany. composed of several similar parts that combine to form a whole:
a compound fruit.
Zoology. composed of a number of distinct individuals that are connected to form a united whole or colony, as coral.
Music. of or relating to compound time.
Machinery. noting an engine or turbine expanding the same steam or the like in two successive chambers to do work at two ranges of pressure.
something formed by compounding or combining parts, elements, etc.
Chemistry. a pure substance composed of two or more elements whose composition is constant.
a compound word, especially one composed of two or more words that are otherwise unaltered, as moonflower or rainstorm.
verb (used with object)
to put together into a whole; combine:
to compound drugs to form a new medicine.
to make or form by combining parts, elements, etc.; construct:
to compound a new plan from parts of several former plans.
to make up or constitute:
all the organs and members that compound a human body.
to settle or adjust by agreement, especially for a reduced amount, as a debt.
Law. to agree, for a consideration, not to prosecute or punish a wrongdoer for:
to compound a crime or felony.
to pay (interest) on the accrued interest as well as the principal:
My bank compounds interest quarterly.
to increase or add to:
The misery of his loneliness was now compounded by his poverty.
Electricity. to connect a portion of the field turns of (a direct-current dynamo) in series with the armature circuit.
verb (used without object)
to make a bargain; come to terms; compromise.
to settle a debt, claim, etc., by compromise.
to form a compound.
noun (ˈkɒmpaʊnd)
a substance that contains atoms of two or more chemical elements held together by chemical bonds
any combination of two or more parts, aspects, etc
a word formed from two existing words or combining forms
verb (mainly transitive) (kəmˈpaʊnd)
to mix or combine so as to create a compound or other product
to make by combining parts, elements, aspects, etc: to compound a new plastic
to intensify by an added element: his anxiety was compounded by her crying
(finance) to calculate or pay (interest) on both the principal and its accrued interest
(also intransitive) to come to an agreement in (a quarrel, dispute, etc)
(also intransitive) to settle (a debt, promise, etc) for less than what is owed; compromise
(law) to agree not to prosecute in return for a consideration: to compound a crime
(electrical engineering) to place duplex windings on the field coil of (a motor or generator), one acting as a shunt, the other being in series with the main circuit, thus making the machine self-regulating
adjective (ˈkɒmpaʊnd)
composed of or created by the combination of two or more parts, elements, etc
(of a word) consisting of elements that are also words or productive combining forms
(of a sentence) formed by coordination of two or more sentences
(of a verb or the tense, mood, etc, of a verb) formed by using an auxiliary verb in addition to the main verb: the future in English is a compound tense involving the use of such auxiliary verbs as “shall” and “will”
denoting a time in which the number of beats per bar is a multiple of three: six-four is an example of compound time
(of an interval) greater than an octave
(zoology) another word for colonial (sense 6)
(of a steam engine, turbine, etc) having multiple stages in which the steam or working fluid from one stage is used in a subsequent stage
(of a piston engine) having a turbocharger powered by a turbine in the exhaust stream
(esp formerly in South Africa) an enclosure, esp on the mines, containing the living quarters for Black workers
any similar enclosure, such as a camp for prisoners of war
(formerly in India, China, etc) the enclosure in which a European’s house or factory stood
compound com·pound (kŏm’pound’)
A combination of two or more elements or parts.
A pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance that consists of atoms or ions of different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means, and that have properties unlike those of its constituent elements.
adj. (kŏm’pound’, kŏm-pound’, kəm-)
Consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elements, or parts. v. com·pound·ed, com·pound·ing, com·pounds (kŏm-pound’, kəm-, kŏm’pound’)
To combine so as to form a whole; mix.
To produce or create by combining two or more ingredients or parts.
A substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions joined by chemical bonds into a molecule. The elements cannot be separated by physical means. Water, for example, is a compound having two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom per molecule.
Adjective Composed of more than one part, as a compound eye or leaf.
compound definition
In chemistry, a substance containing two or more elements in definite proportions.
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