[uhn-kuh n-dish-uh-nl] /ˌʌn kənˈdɪʃ ə nl/
not limited by conditions; absolute:
an unconditional promise.
Mathematics. absolute (def 12).
without conditions or limitations; total: unconditional surrender
(maths) (of an equality) true for all values of the variable: (x+1)>x is an unconditional equality
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- Unconditioned
[uhn-kuh n-dish-uh nd] /ˌʌn kənˈdɪʃ ənd/ adjective 1. not subject to conditions; absolute. 2. Psychology. not proceeding from or dependent on a conditioning of the individual; natural; innate: unconditioned behavior. Compare conditioned (def 3). unconditioned /ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənd/ adjective 1. (psychol) characterizing an innate reflex and the stimulus and response that form parts of it Compare conditioned […]
- Unconditioned reflex
unconditioned reflex un·con·di·tioned reflex (ŭn’kən-dĭsh’ənd) n. An instinctive reflex not dependent on previous learning or experience.
- Unconditioned response
noun 1. a reflex action innately elicited by a stimulus without the intervention of any learning process Also called (esp formerly) unconditioned reflex Compare conditioned response unconditioned response n. A natural, usually unvarying response evoked by a stimulus in the absence of learning or conditioning.
- Unconditioned stimulus
noun 1. (psychol) any stimulus evoking an unlearnt response, esp in the context of classical conditioning, in which the conditioned stimulus is followed by the unconditioned one unconditioned stimulus n. A stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response; for example, food is an unconditioned stimulus for a hungry animal, and salivation is the unconditioned response.
- Unconditioning
noun 1. a particular mode of being of a person or thing; existing state; situation with respect to circumstances. 2. state of health: He was reported to be in critical condition. 3. fit or requisite state: to be out of condition; to be in no condition to run. 4. social position: in a lowly condition. […]