verb (used with object), condoned, condoning.
to disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like):
The government condoned the computer hacking among rival corporations.
to give tacit approval to:
By his silence, he seemed to condone their behavior.
to pardon or forgive (an offense); excuse:
His employers are willing to condone the exaggerations they uncovered in his résumé.
to cause the condonation of; justify the pardoning of (an offense).
Law. to forgive or act so as to imply forgiveness of (a violation of the marriage vow):
His spouse condoned his infidelity from the early years of their marriage.
verb (transitive)
to overlook or forgive (an offence)
(law) (esp of a spouse) to pardon or overlook (an offence, usually adultery)
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