being in conflict or disagreement; not compatible:
conflicting viewpoints.
clashing; contradictory: conflicting rumours
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- Unconformable
[uhn-kuh n-fawr-muh-buh l] /ˌʌn kənˈfɔr mə bəl/ adjective 1. not conformable; not conforming. 2. Geology. indicating discontinuity of any type in a stratigraphic sequence. unconformable /ˌʌnkənˈfɔːməbəl/ adjective 1. not conformable or conforming 2. (of rock strata) consisting of a series of younger strata that do not succeed the underlying older rocks in age or in […]
- Unconformably
[uhn-kuh n-fawr-muh-buh l] /ˌʌn kənˈfɔr mə bəl/ adjective 1. not conformable; not conforming. 2. Geology. indicating discontinuity of any type in a stratigraphic sequence. unconformable /ˌʌnkənˈfɔːməbəl/ adjective 1. not conformable or conforming 2. (of rock strata) consisting of a series of younger strata that do not succeed the underlying older rocks in age or in […]
- Unconformed
verb (used without object) 1. to act in accordance or harmony; comply (usually followed by to): to conform to rules. 2. to act in accord with the prevailing standards, attitudes, practices, etc., of society or a group: One has to conform in order to succeed in this company. 3. to be or become similar in […]
- Unconforming
verb (used without object) 1. to act in accordance or harmony; comply (usually followed by to): to conform to rules. 2. to act in accord with the prevailing standards, attitudes, practices, etc., of society or a group: One has to conform in order to succeed in this company. 3. to be or become similar in […]
- Unconformity
[uhn-kuh n-fawr-mi-tee] /ˌʌn kənˈfɔr mɪ ti/ noun, plural unconformities. 1. lack of conformity; incongruity; inconsistency. 2. Geology. a discontinuity in rock sequence indicating interruption of sedimentation, commonly accompanied by erosion of rocks below the break. the interface between such strata. unconformity /ˌʌnkənˈfɔːmɪtɪ/ noun (pl) -ties 1. lack of conformity 2. the contact surface between younger […]