
verb (used without object)
to act in accordance or harmony; comply (usually followed by to):
to conform to rules.
to act in accord with the prevailing standards, attitudes, practices, etc., of society or a group:
One has to conform in order to succeed in this company.
to be or become similar in form, nature, or character.
to be in harmony or accord.
to comply with the usages of an established church, especially the Church of England.
verb (used with object)
to make similar in form, nature, or character.
to bring into agreement, correspondence, or harmony.
Archaic. conformable.
(intransitive) usually foll by to. to comply in actions, behaviour, etc, with accepted standards or norms
(intransitive) usually foll by with. to be in accordance; fit in: he conforms with my idea of a teacher
to make or become similar in character or form
(intransitive) to comply with the practices of an established church, esp the Church of England
(transitive) to bring (oneself, ideas, etc) into harmony or agreement

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