verb (used with object)
to ward off attack from; guard against assault or injury (usually followed by from or against):
The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack.
to maintain by argument, evidence, etc.; uphold:
She defended her claim successfully.
to contest (a legal charge, claim, etc.).
Law. to serve as attorney for (a defendant):
He has defended some of the most notorious criminals.
to support (an argument, theory, etc.) in the face of criticism; prove the validity of (a dissertation, thesis, or the like) by answering arguments and questions put by a committee of specialists.
to attempt to retain (a championship title, position, etc.), as in a competition against a challenger.
verb (used without object)
Law. to enter or make a defense.
not having people to provide resistance against danger, attack, or harm
to protect (a person, place, etc) from harm or danger; ward off an attack on
(transitive) to support in the face of criticism, esp by argument or evidence
to represent (a defendant) in court in a civil or criminal action
(sport) to guard or protect (oneself, one’s goal, etc) against attack
(transitive) to protect (a championship or title) against a challenge
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- Defense
noun 1. resistance against attack; protection: Two more regiments are needed for the defense of the city. 2. something that defends, as a fortification, physical or mental quality, or medication: This fort was once the main defense of the island. 3. the defending of a cause or the like by speech, argument, etc.: He spoke […]
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adjective 1. capable of being defended against assault or injury: The troops were bivouacked in a defensible position. 2. that can be defended in argument; justifiable. adjective 1. capable of being defended, as in war, an argument, etc
- Defensible
adjective 1. capable of being defended against assault or injury: The troops were bivouacked in a defensible position. 2. that can be defended in argument; justifiable. adjective 1. capable of being defended, as in war, an argument, etc
- Undefensive
adjective 1. serving to defend; protective: defensive armament. 2. made or carried on for the purpose of resisting attack: defensive treaty; a defensive attitude. 3. of or relating to defense. 4. able to provide moderately steady growth with minimal risk: The bank has put a large percentage of its assets in defensive rather than growth […]
- Defensive
adjective 1. serving to defend; protective: defensive armament. 2. made or carried on for the purpose of resisting attack: defensive treaty; a defensive attitude. 3. of or relating to defense. 4. able to provide moderately steady growth with minimal risk: The bank has put a large percentage of its assets in defensive rather than growth […]