postponed or delayed.
suspended or withheld for or until a certain time or event:
a deferred payment; deferred taxes.
classified as temporarily exempt from induction into military service.
withheld over a certain period; postponed: a deferred payment
(of shares) ranking behind other types of shares for dividend
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verb (used with object), defied, defying. 1. to challenge the power of; resist boldly or openly: to defy parental authority. 2. to offer effective resistance to: a fort that defies attack. 3. to challenge (a person) to do something deemed impossible: They defied him to dive off the bridge. 4. Archaic. to challenge to a […]
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verb (used with object), defied, defying. 1. to challenge the power of; resist boldly or openly: to defy parental authority. 2. to offer effective resistance to: a fort that defies attack. 3. to challenge (a person) to do something deemed impossible: They defied him to dive off the bridge. 4. Archaic. to challenge to a […]
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adjective 1. characterized by defiance; boldly resistant or challenging: a defiant attitude. adjective 1. marked by resistance or bold opposition, as to authority; challenging
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adjective 1. lacking some element or characteristic; defective: deficient in taste. 2. insufficient; inadequate: deficient knowledge. noun 3. a person who is deficient, especially one who is mentally defective. adjective 1. lacking some essential; incomplete; defective 2. inadequate in quantity or supply; insufficient deficient de·fi·cient (dĭ-fĭsh’ənt) adj. Lacking an essential quality or element. Inadequate in […]