
verb (used with object), stimulated, stimulating.
to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite:
to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
Physiology, Medicine/Medical. to excite (a nerve, gland, etc.) to its functional activity.
to invigorate (a person) by a food or beverage containing a stimulant, as coffee, tea, or alcoholic liquor.
verb (used without object), stimulated, stimulating.
to act as a stimulus or stimulant.
(transitive; usually passive) to fill (a person) with ideas or enthusiasm: he was stimulated by the challenge
(transitive) (physiol) to excite (a nerve, organ, etc) with a stimulus
to encourage (something) to start or progress further: a cut in interest rates should help stimulate economic recovery

stimulate stim·u·late (stĭm’yə-lāt’)
v. stim·u·lat·ed, stim·u·lat·ing, stim·u·lates
To arouse a body or a responsive structure to increased functional activity.
stim’u·lat’er n.

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