
verb (used without object)
to be frugal; get along on a scanty allowance:
Don’t stint on the food. They stinted for years in order to save money.
Archaic. to cease action; desist.
verb (used with object)
to limit to a certain amount, number, share, or allowance, often unduly; set limits to; restrict.
Archaic. to bring to an end; check.
a period of time spent doing something:
a two-year stint in the army.
an allotted amount or piece of work:
to do one’s daily stint.
limitation or restriction, especially as to amount:
to give without stint.
a limited, prescribed, or expected quantity, share, rate, etc.:
to exceed one’s stint.
Obsolete. a pause; halt.
to be frugal or miserly towards (someone) with (something)
(archaic) to stop or check (something)
an allotted or fixed amount of work
a limitation or check
(obsolete) a pause or stoppage
any of various small sandpipers of the chiefly northern genus Calidris (or Erolia), such as C. minuta (little stint)

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