
verb (used with object), sued, suing.
to institute a process in law against; bring a civil action against:
to sue someone for damages.
to woo or court.
Obsolete. to make petition or appeal to.
verb (used without object), sued, suing.
to institute legal proceedings, or bring suit:
She threatened to sue.
to make petition or appeal:
to sue for peace.
to court a woman.
Verb phrases
sue out, to make application for or apply for and obtain (a writ or the like) from a court of law.
verb sues, suing, sued
to institute legal proceedings (against)
to make suppliant requests of (someone for something)
(archaic) to pay court (to)
Eugène (øʒɛn). original name Marie-Joseph Sue. 1804–57, French novelist, whose works, notably Les mystères de Paris (1842–43) and Le juif errant (1844–45), were among the first to reflect the impact of the industrial revolution on France

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