
adjective, tamer, tamest.
changed from the wild or savage state; domesticated:
a tame bear.
without the savageness or fear of humans normal in wild animals; gentle, fearless, or without shyness, as if domesticated:
That lion acts as tame as a house cat.
tractable, docile, or submissive, as a person or the disposition.
lacking in excitement; dull; insipid:
a very tame party.
spiritless or pusillanimous.
not to be taken very seriously; without real power or importance; serviceable but harmless:
They kept a tame scientist around.
brought into service; rendered useful and manageable; under control, as natural resources or a source of power.
cultivated or improved by cultivation, as a plant or its fruit.
verb (used with object), tamed, taming.
to make tame; domesticate; make tractable.
to deprive of courage, ardor, or zest.
to deprive of interest, excitement, or attractiveness; make dull.
to soften; tone down.
to harness or control; render useful, as a source of power.
to cultivate, as land or plants.
verb (used without object), tamed, taming.
to become tame.
not cultivated, domesticated, or controlled: beautiful untamed wilderness
changed by man from a naturally wild state into a tractable, domesticated, or cultivated condition
(of animals) not fearful of human contact
lacking in spirit or initiative; meek or submissive: a tame personality
flat, insipid, or uninspiring: a tame ending to a book
slow-moving: a tame current
verb (transitive)
to make tame; domesticate
to break the spirit of, subdue, or curb
to tone down, soften, or mitigate

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