
verb (used with object), tolerated, tolerating.
to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit.
to endure without repugnance; put up with:
I can tolerate laziness, but not incompetence.
Medicine/Medical. to endure or resist the action of (a drug, poison, etc.).
Obsolete. to experience, undergo, or sustain, as pain or hardship.
verb (transitive)
to treat with indulgence, liberality, or forbearance
to permit
to be able to bear; put up with
(med) to have tolerance for (a drug, poison, etc)

tolerate tol·er·ate (tŏl’ə-rāt’)
v. tol·er·at·ed, tol·er·at·ing, tol·er·ates

To allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit.

To put up with; endure.

To have tolerance for a substance or pathogen.

tol’er·a’tive adj.

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