capable of being trained.
Education. of or relating to moderately retarded individuals who may achieve some self-sufficiency, as in personal care.
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- Un-trainable
adjective 1. capable of being trained. 2. Education. of or relating to moderately retarded individuals who may achieve some self-sufficiency, as in personal care.
- Untrained
noun 1. Railroads. a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock. 2. a line or procession of persons, vehicles, animals, etc., traveling together. 3. Military. an aggregation of vehicles, animals, and personnel accompanying an army to carry supplies, baggage, ammunition, etc. 4. a series or row of objects or parts. 5. Machinery. a connected set of […]
- Untrammeled
noun 1. Usually, trammels. a hindrance or impediment to free action; restraint: the trammels of custom. 2. an instrument for drawing ellipses. 3. Also called tram. a device used to align or adjust parts of a machine. 4. trammel net. 5. a fowling net. 6. a contrivance hung in a fireplace to support pots or […]
- Untrammelled
noun 1. Usually, trammels. a hindrance or impediment to free action; restraint: the trammels of custom. 2. an instrument for drawing ellipses. 3. Also called tram. a device used to align or adjust parts of a machine. 4. trammel net. 5. a fowling net. 6. a contrivance hung in a fireplace to support pots or […]
- Untrampled
verb (used without object), trampled, trampling. 1. to tread or step heavily and noisily; stamp. 2. to tread heavily, roughly, or crushingly (usually followed by on, upon, or over): to trample on a flower bed. 3. to act in a harsh, domineering, or cruel manner, as if treading roughly (usually followed by on, upon, or […]